Although VISCOH was only founded in 2014, the team behind the company can look back on a total of 70 years of accumulated experience in the field of impact sound insulation.
This is because they are all experienced specialists from the industry who have set themselves the goal of redesigning the market for underlays and making it as simple, clear and competent as possible for dealers and end users. With only 9 products, the range is the clearest and most competent in the industry.
With our acoustic documents for parquet, laminate and design flooring, we meet all the equirements for underlays demanded by the EPLF (Association of European Producers of Laminate Flooring) and the MMFA (Multilayer Modular Flooring Association), thus giving dealers the competence and customers the good feeling of having done everything right.
We act on the principle, simplicity is the highest form of perfection.
Often an idea must be accompanied by the necessary experience and the will to innovate in order to be groundbreaking.
Joachim Weber,
Managing Director
0049 9261 910069 0
It is the viscoelastic, unique material structure that catapults our new acoustic underlays to the forefront of high-performance underlays.
Stephan Jungkunz,
Sales and Technology
0049 9261 910069 38
Extremely stable and elastic at the same time, as well as the highest sound insulation values for footfall and impact sound are unique in our acoustic underlay.
Frank Hofmann,
Sales Manager
0049 9261 910069 31
According to a market study, dealers finally want to shed light on the range of impact sound insulation underlays. Our goal is to support them in this and to make the topic as clear and competent as possible for dealers and end consumers.
Christian Weber,
A better value for money will be hard to find!
Nadja Volk,
Back office and accounting
VISCOH is clearly and logically structured. This makes buying and selling clear and simple. Product cannibalism does not exist!
Janine Gürtler,
0049 9261 910069 35